Eight Bermudians competed at the 2012 Olympics in London. CoffeeWorks wanted to cheer them on so we created this ad that appeared in the Royal Gazette using four coffee brands and one tea that were based on real people to put some “faces” to the effort.
Continue readingLove Letters: The Art & Soul Edition
Love Letters was a biweekly brew of font-focused briefs for creatives craving handcrafted vintage and retro type, tips and tools — made by real, live humans with paper, pencils and pens (and coffee.) Continue reading
A Convenient About Page
After years of intense competition, Bermuda’s two largest office coffee companies, CoffeeWorks and Convenience Coffee, merged in late 2016. The About Page copywriting for the winning brand, Convenience Coffee, was meant to: Continue reading
Two Cups of Tea
Truly custom kitchens require state of the art and old world tools, and a great deal of thought, care and attention. And they involve two cups of tea!
Continue readingTwo Planks and a Passion
Those in the know in Nova Scotia’s Kings and Hants Counties — as locals the world over do — affectionately abbreviated the handle of the theatre company at the Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Two Planks and a Passion, to Two Planks.
Continue readingA Timbit Epiphany
As unbelievable as this is is going to sound, back in 1998, my wife of the day, finding me home from the office early, delirious with excitement about my soon-to-be (as in, 0900 the following morning) new career as one of the world’s greatest copywriters, used ‘delirious’ in a completely different sense … Continue reading