Once upon a time there was a wise magazine called Bermuda Parent. It was 2012, and the publisher was a supermom with more energy than a castle full of knights in shining armour.
CoffeeWorks was one of the title’s inaugural advertisers: in part to support this new business and resource for Bermudian families, and because it came along at a time when the company was adding good-for-you bottled beverages to its lines of coffees, teas and cocoas. The ad copy and graphic below were part of a year-long series of illustrated advertisements that had a storybook look to them.
And no dragons were ever seen.
Once upon a time on a Bermudafully tiny island far, far away, there was a very happy little shoppe that sold (and delivered for free*) lovely, relaxing teas and hot chocolate and coffees from many kingdoms.
Years later their store rooms were overflowing with new, organic, natural juices; exotic coconut waters and ginger ale made from real ginger.
And all the subjects shopped safely online 24/7 at coffeeworks.bm and lived happily ever after (and no dragons were ever seen).