“In my entire advertising and content career I have never met someone so clear, creative, responsive and fun to work with like Andrew. He went above and beyond the job’s requirements and delivered outstanding work.”
— Toufic Abou Nader, United Arab Emirates
“LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
— John Brown, Argyle Interiors, Nova Scotia, Canada
“You really do deserve all the accolades you’re getting.”
— Diane Crowther, Metaline Graphics, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Looks great! You’re not bad for an old guy! Did I ever tell you I have a thing for bald guys?”
— Gail Dominey, SeaSide Salon, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Wow! Thank you much for your efforts.”
— Pernille Fischer Boulter, Kisserup International Trade Roots, Nova Scotia, Canada
“You are one very cool 50-something guy.”
— Garry Gilfoy, Author, Counsellor, Teacher, South Australia
“Hey man. Looks great. WOW”
— Mark Goudge, Quantum Photography, Nova Scotia, Canada
“I absolutely love it that you are always so refreshingly candid. Always keep up the good fight man. You’re tops!
— Spencer Gray, tagUMBRELLA, British Columbia, Canada
“Good thing I was so well trained by you that I took to the job like a fish to water. My new bosses even asked me why I was so good with my daily performance reports, my time in, time out and other stuff. I proudly told them I learned everything when it comes to remotely working from you!”
— Jedi Knight illustrator, Philippines
“Thanks! These are the best kind of services – the no charge ones.”
— Sue Keane, Duerden & Keane Environmental, Nova Scotia, Canada
“You’re a sweetheart.”
— Ross Lloy, Talbot Marketing, Nova Scotia, Canada
“We’ve used Andrew’s Graphic Language company for research, presentations, and national health education programs. He’s creative and offers a refreshing attention to detail.”
— Michael McDonald CEO, Linkz Healthcare Marketing, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Great job! Thanks. How are the chickens? How’s the new trimmer working?”
— James Moore, Moore Automotive and Recreation, Nova Scotia, Canada
“This is why I love you. You are totally seeing the bigger picture and still want to kick a**!!”
— Stuart Richardson, Creative Director, HAB GOV Strategics, Malta
“Thanks a lot oh Master of words!”
— Stéphane Shaw, Nostalgie Radio, Belgium
“Take a look at David Salah, who is a slam dunk for my best-campaign-signs award. Salah gets the nod for creating a sign that, first you can actually read because it has lots of large print…Second, the Salah signs have bright, eye- catching colours; third, they include a good picture of the candidate.”
— Marilla Stephenson, Halifax Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia, Canada
“The Lung Association of Nova Scotia has used Andrew’s services on many occasions and found the work exemplary in all aspects. Our business dealings proved him to be hardworking, skilled, honest and trustworthy.”
— Bill VanGorder, CFRE, President and CEO, The Lung Association of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Canada
“The Graphic Language Company revision of [..] is right on the money. The insights into what the readers are looking for are perfect.”
— Susan Wilson, Web Developer, Nova Scotia, Canada